Our services
Regulatory Strategy
LEXQARA supports medical device manufacturers in navigating regulatory and clinical strategies. Our expertise includes: Regulatory Strategy: Device qualification and classification, regulatory pathways. Clinical Strategy: Assessing the level of sufficient clinical evidence, utilizing equivalent devices, determining the need for clinical investigations, and addressing requirements under Article 61(10). Specialized Search Reports: Providing detailed reports to delineate requirements for specific topics.

Why are regulatory or clinical strategies required?

Regulatory strategy

Regulatory strategies are essential for medical device manufacturers to ensure compliance with global standards and regulations, facilitating market entry and avoiding legal pitfalls. These strategies encompass device qualification and classification, which determine the applicable regulatory requirements based on the device’s intended use and risk profile. Navigating regulatory pathways is crucial as it involves selecting the appropriate approval route, such as CE marking in Europe or FDA clearance/approval in the United States. Without a well-defined regulatory strategy, manufacturers risk delays in product launches, non-compliance penalties, and potential recalls. Furthermore, regulatory strategies help in identifying the necessary documentation and testing required to demonstrate device safety and efficacy. This structured approach not only ensures regulatory compliance but also builds credibility with regulatory bodies and healthcare providers. By systematically addressing these requirements, manufacturers can streamline the approval process, reduce time to market, and enhance their competitive edge. In essence, robust regulatory strategies are the backbone of successful medical device commercialization, safeguarding both the manufacturer’s interests and public health.

Clinical strategy

Clinical strategies are vital for demonstrating the safety and efficacy of medical devices, which is a prerequisite for regulatory approval. These strategies involve assessing the level of sufficient clinical evidence, the need for equivalent devices or clinical investigations, and evaluating whether preclinical data, such as bench testing, may be considered sufficient clinical evidence. Adequate clinical data supports the device’s intended use, safety, and performance, thereby instilling confidence among regulatory bodies, healthcare professionals, and patients. Utilizing equivalent devices can streamline the evidence-gathering process, leveraging existing data to address gaps in the subject device’s evidence. Depending on parameters such as claimed performance or device classification, clinical investigations may be necessary to confirm the device’s safety and performance in patients. Alternatively, when the device’s technical nature and patient interactions are considered, along with claims, risk management outputs, preclinical data may be deemed sufficient. These strategies not only fulfill regulatory requirements but also contribute to post-market surveillance and continuous improvement of the device. By meticulously planning and executing clinical strategies, manufacturers can mitigate risks, enhance patient safety, and ensure the successful introduction of innovative medical devices to the market.

Notified Body selection

In our current situation with a low capacity of Notified Bodies, selecting the most appropriate notified body is a strategic decision that affects the project timeline and time-to-market, associated with costs. Expert support helps make an informed choice, ensuring the notified body’s expertise aligns with the specific requirements of the medical device and establishes fair and sustainable communication.

What is our additional value?

Below are the main reasons why you should choose our clinical services

Long experience
Long experience

LEXQARA's team of senior consultants brings extensive experience in clinical data search methodology and the preparation of comprehensive clinical documentation

Transparency of templates
Transparency of templates

You can evaluate our strategic methods by reviewing our comprehensive templates, ensuring clarity and understanding of our approach


Regulatory and clinical strategies are carried out by experts with in-depth knowledge of the specific regulations and requirements of your target market

Proactive Risk Approach
Proactive Risk Approach

Our proactive approach identifies potential regulatory and clinical hurdles early in the process, allowing us to develop strategies that mitigate risks and streamline approval timelines.

Our solutions

LEXQARA proposes the following Regulatory Strategy Solutions Packs

Regulatory Strategy Report: detailed reports outlining device qualification, classification, and optimal regulatory pathways to ensure compliance with global standards.

Support for the selection of notified body: choosing the right notified body is critical for your project's success. We offer strategic guidance in selecting a notified body that aligns with your product's requirements and regulatory needs. Our support ensures a smooth and efficient certification process.

Clinical Strategy Report: in-depth analysis to determine the level of clinical evidence required, utilization of equivalent devices, and the necessity of clinical investigations, ensuring robust support for your device’s safety and efficacy.

• Search Report: specialized reports addressing specific regulatory or clinical topics, providing clear and actionable insights to guide your strategic decisions.

Need of training?

We proposed customized training sessions under demand in your facility or remotely without limit of participants for the same cost.

Need to update your QMS?

We can adapt your QMS to the applicable requirements via customized procedures (i.e., QSPs) or templates as necessary.

Resource Center

Regulatory Strategy Documents

For all regulatory strategies, Lex has developed internal templates that will be available gradually in the “Resources”. You can download the documents for your internal use or contact Lex who proposes its experience and expertise for the definition of your:

Regulatory Pathway Report
LEX-FORM-WW-001 rev.1
Expert in Medical Device Compliance

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